'Right honourable' needs to go now

- Photo courtesy Pixabay
- Photo courtesy Pixabay

THE EDITOR: Having read the comments of the Minister of Energy and the input by the Minister of Finance, I am more convinced than ever that "right honourable" should be removed from the title of members of Parliament because there was nothing right or honourable about that act.

That kind of behaviour can be expected from a primary school pupil, not a sitting minister.

Furthermore, the minister returned to Parliament to offer an apology to the Parliament and not to the Opposition Leader and members, and that apology was accepted by the Deputy Speaker and swept under the rug.

Also glaringly obvious is the fact that there has been no action or comment from the PNM Women's League. Does that mean it supports the Energy Minister as well?

In any First World country those ministers would have been fired.


However, because we live in a country that is led by a rudderless political party, we can expect no better.


Diego Martin


"‘Right honourable’ needs to go now"

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