Tobago carnival bandleader: Only big bands getting sponsorship

Veteran bandleader Marcellin Nedd shows one of her colourful costumes at her mas camp in Scarborough in January. - File photo by Corey Connelly
Veteran bandleader Marcellin Nedd shows one of her colourful costumes at her mas camp in Scarborough in January. - File photo by Corey Connelly

A VETERAN Tobago bandleader claims many small and medium bands are finding it difficult to get sponsorship for the October 25-27 carnival.

“So things are shaping up very slow for us,” Marcellin Nedd told Newsday on October 11.

But she claimed almost all of the large, popular bands, like Fog Angels, Iconic Mas, Zane and Jade Monkey, are getting sponsorship.

“The sponsors (probably) find the small bands doh make sense. But how they expect the small bands to flourish or to get like a big band?”

She said many of the bandleaders did not even ask for cash to help with their presentations.

“We asked for things like banners, bags, cups that we could give the masqueraders. Even if they so desire, they could run ads for us, because bandleaders will want ads being run.

"But even to pay for the ads and all of these things – nothing.”

So far, some 32 bands have registered for J’Ouvert, 21 for conventional mas, 12 for night mas and six for the traditional parade.

Nedd, leader of Marcellin Nedd & Associates, said all bands wrote letters to corporate sponsors.

“We wrote these places and got no response. Some small bands might have got, but for myself, I have not got any reply, and this is my third year in the October carnival.

“But many of the small and medium bands, we haven’t got any word back from them.

"But they only selecting Jade Monkey, Iconic Mas or Zane and leaving the rest. You not even saying, 'Okay, this band say they catering for 300 persons, we could give them 300 cups or bags.'”

She said last year she got sponsorship from Sunshine Snacks and Carib.

Nedd, who has been involved in Carnival for more than 20 years, said she cannot afford to do any elaborate advertising this year.

“I advertise through social media, because I do not have that money to do ads. Last year I did ads and it come from my pocket, and the type of ads they are offering right now is plenty money.”

Asked if the THA has offered to assist bands, Nedd said, “The THA eh give we nothing. They can’t even give a budget yet.”

She said she even suggested the assembly give bandleaders an appearance fee for participating.

“They say no, they doh have no money.

"But if you want to run a carnival, how yuh eh go have money?”

Despite the challenges, Nedd said her band will be in all the mas events.

She will be playing Roman Empire: the Rise and Fall of Rome in the conventional competition, Bring Out D Jammette Ina Meh for J’Ouvert and Indians: the First People Tribe for night mas. This year she has also teamed up with another bandleader, Shamika Denoon, on the road.

“But Shamika has her own identity and I have my own identity. But we are on the road together.”

The third annual October Tobago carnival takes place from October 25-27.


"Tobago carnival bandleader: Only big bands getting sponsorship"

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