SWRHA to fix loose building cladding

The South West Regional Health Authority (SWRHA) says remedial work to loose cladding outside the San Fernando Teaching Hospital is expected to begin soon.
In a release, the SWRHA responded to a video by a political activist on social media. In the video posted to the TT National Democratic Front's Facebook page, the activist showed cordoned-off sections of pavement and entrance at the top of Chancery Lane.
He warned the public to be careful while in the vicinity due to falling cladding. He criticised the current People's National Movement administration for failing to maintain infrastructure in the country since first taking up office in 2015. It also showed sections of the building where the cladding appeared to be compromised.
"Come on, do allyuh jobs before one of these things fall and hurt citizens."
The SWRHA release said the process of procuring a contractor to undertake the repairs was in its final stages and is expected to be completed soon.
It said the loose cladding prompted the authority to change the building's main entrance from upper Chancery Lane to lower Chancery Lane.
"At that time, the Authority’s technical engineers advised that the most effective solution included the relocation of the main pedestrian entrance and exit, without disruption to services or undue compromise to international safety standards."
The authority said it has been working diligently to find a suitably qualified contractor to undertake the work.
"SWRHA to fix loose building cladding"