Xtra Foods health fair

Daniel Austin, Xtra Foods CEO, looks on as founder of Krochet Kloset, Geanna Cunningham helps Miss World TT Anna-Lise Nanton try on a crotchet top at her booth at the  Xtra Foods Health, Beauty and Safety Fair. - Photos by Faith Ayoung
Daniel Austin, Xtra Foods CEO, looks on as founder of Krochet Kloset, Geanna Cunningham helps Miss World TT Anna-Lise Nanton try on a crotchet top at her booth at the Xtra Foods Health, Beauty and Safety Fair. - Photos by Faith Ayoung

Xtra Foods held a health, beauty and safety fair on International Women's Day March 8 at its Aranjuez supermarket. Shoppers and visitors were treated to a safety tactics display with a self-defence demonstration. Samples and information on the variety and uses of local health and beauty products were also available. Local artisans also had craft on display at the event.

Samantha Singh receives a jar of tumeric scrub with lavender from Narissa Jattan, co-founder of NS Signature Creations & More at the Xtra Foods Health, Beauty and Safety Fair. -

Tameka Trotman, quality control specialist at Xtra Foods throws TTPS guard and emergency officer, constable Adrian Sealey while his colleague, constable Jabari Auguste, looks on as part of a self-defence demonstration for International Women's Day at the Xtra Foods' Health, Beauty and Safety Fair at the Aranjuez's supermarket car park on March 8. 


"Xtra Foods health fair"

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