Samaroo captures King of the Bands crown at Couva Carnival

Ratesh Samaroo captures Couva Carnival King of the Bands crown on March 3.
Ratesh Samaroo captures Couva Carnival King of the Bands crown on March 3.

RATESH Samaroo portraying Drago – Protector of the Forest and its Creatures from the Band Madness Crew, was crowned King of the Bands at the Couva Carnival Monday Nite Mas at the Couva Car Park on March 4.

The resplendent costume earned waves of applause as it reflected the creative design of Perseverance, Couva-based Madness Crew’s presentation of The Enchanted Garden.

Marlon Francois placed second in the Kings competition with his portrayal of Flag Party from the band Central Elite.

In third position was Mahindra Hardeosingh with King Dragon from the band Wing-O-Rama presented by StealthTec Ltd.

Masqueraders from the Monday Nite Band of the Year, Central Emite, at Couva Carnival. - 


Hardeosingh encountered problems with overhead lines because of the huge size of his costume.

A T&TEC crew solved the problem a few minutes later, ensuring that the masquerader would be able to portray his 28-foot costume without hindrance at Tuesday's (March 4) parade of the bands.

Couva Queen of the Bands was captured by Rajishri Ramsaroop, portraying The Mighty Mothra from the band Wing-O-Rama.

The runner-up was Dawn Francois with Love & Peace from Central Elite.

Jenna Dass of Madness Crew placed third portraying Fairy Queen of the Forest.

Monday Nite Band of the Year was captured by Central Elite’s presentation of Passion.

The second position went to Madness Crew with Enchanted Garden. Kalifa Williams & Associates placed third with If Sailors Could Fly.

First Citizens Original Jab Jab, led by Ronald Alfred thrilled the audience with its dazzling display of whip mystery.

Another Original Mas band which crossed the stage was De Drunken Runaway Sailors.


Rajshri Ramsaroop was crowned Queen of the Bands at the Couva Carnival Parade of the Bands at Monday Nite Mas. - 


"Samaroo captures King of the Bands crown at Couva Carnival"

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