Kamla: Investigate Imbert now that Auditor General probe dropped

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar.  -
Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar. -

Opposition Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar says now that the probe into the Auditor General’s role in the revenue understatement of the public accounts has been discontinued, Finance Minister Colm Imbert should be investigated.

The incident occurred with the fiscal 2023 public accounts. It was initially reported as an understated government revenue figure of $3.4 billion, but was later revised to $2.6 billion. Auditor General Jaiwantie Ramdass refused to accept the amended accounts, arguing her audit of the original submission was complete.

The government launched an investigation but it was discontinued on February 28 after a Privy Council ruling and completion of an independent inquiry.

In a press release on February 28, Persad-Bissessar said the government’s “defeat” will “forever remain a blot on our democracy.

“Imbert’s attempts to intimidate, harass, and bully Auditor General Jaiwantie Ramdass backfired spectacularly when Ms Ramdass decided to stand up and defend herself and the Constitution from the government's unwarranted political attack.”


She said the Privy Council hearing was dramatic and that British law lords grilled the government’s lawyers.

“(This) should never have been the subject of investigation by the government because she did absolutely nothing wrong…(It was) nothing but a calculated assault on her independent office to try to get her to bow to his demands and dictates in his usual arrogant manner.”

Now, she said, the Prime Minister and Energy Minister Stuart Young should investigate Imbert’s conduct and demand he answer “where the missing money has gone.”

“The half-baked investigative report the government says it received was a ridiculous waste of taxpayers’ money. As noted by the Privy Council, Mr Imbert himself drafted the terms of reference, handpicked the investigators, and ordered them to report to him. In circumstances where Mr Imbert’s conduct and integrity have been called into question, this reeks of bias and political smart-manism. It’s a classic case of playing smart with foolishness!"

She questioned why the issue “went all the way” to the Privy Council, which required legal fees, airfare cost and hotel accommodation expenses.

“That money could have been used for the public's benefit to patch potholes and buy hospital beds and medication.”

She said the UNC is happy the “nightmare” is over for Ramdass, but Imbert and Attorney General Reginald Armour, SC, should not be “let off the hook.

“There is far more in the political mortar than just the pestle. We demand answers from the government on whether Imbert’s conduct will be the subject of an independent investigation, and the amount of money wasted on this matter.”


"Kamla: Investigate Imbert now that Auditor General probe dropped"

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