A mix of everything for all Carnival lovers this weekend

 Farmer Nappy -
Farmer Nappy -

The opening of the John Cupid Carnival Village today adds to the myriad Carnival-type events building up to another Carnival Monday and Tuesday.

A variety of events are simultaneously happening. Pan, fetes, and even Carnival fashion shows are on this weekend’s schedule.

The Carnival village will open on February 7 and feature a star-studded line-up including Mical Teja, Yung Bredda, Farmer Nappy, MX Prime and Anika Berry.

It will feature many free, engaging events throughout the season.

One of the novel events being done this year at the village is Carnival is Fashion Too.


A release from the National Carnival Commission (NCC), the organiser, said the event will “redefine the intersection of Carnival and couture” this Sunday at Carnival City, Queen’s Park Savannah from 5.30 pm.

Anika Berry -

It will feature collections from eight of the Trinidad and Tobago’s leading fashion houses.

“Attendees can expect to be dazzled by bold expressions of fete wear, Monday wear, and show-off wear, all catering to the extroverted spirit of Carnival enthusiasts.

“Curated and directed by Richard Young, this first of its kind event will feature presentations from The Cloth; Indigenous Designs by Dominique La Roche; Peter Elias; Lisa Faye; Zadd and Eastman; Mark Eastman; Sandra Hordatt; and Charu Lochan Dass,” the release said.

A mdoel wears a deisgn by Mark Eastman. -

Young said, "The correlation between our local fashion, with our resplendent Caribbean aesthetic, and Carnival costuming is undeniable, for it speaks to our exhibitionistic spirit and our Carnivalesque DNA."

NCC chairman Winston “Gypsy” Peters also said in the release the Carnival stage is a space that has a deep history of freedom, expression and celebration, all inherent elements in Carnival and fashion.

He said the collaboration and show present the perfect opportunity for TT’s creative sector to develop “additional synergies” between the Carnival and fashion industries.


Pan Trinbago’s events began as early as November last year and have continued, swelling to the large band titles.

A model wear a design by Lisa Faye. -

This weekend will see the start of the preliminary, panyard judging of both the medium and large bands. The medium preliminary judging began on February 4 in the northern region. It will end on February 8 in Tobago.

The large preliminaries will begin on February 9 in the northern region.

Pan Trinbago president Beverley Ramsey-Moore said on Wednesday that she expected large crowds that the large band preliminaries.

“On Sunday, the amazing large band crawl begins. The large band crawl is usually a huge culture event and it is really an exciting time. We look forward to all of TT celebrating. Go out in your communities, support your band and let us enjoy the culture.”

The first large band preliminary judging will take place at Desperadoes Steel Orchestra, George Street, Port of Spain.

Fete lovers also have a lot to look forward to this weekend.

The Machel Montano-headed Mega will take place on February 7 at the Brian Lara Cricket Academy from 7 pm-4 am.


On February 8 Fete With the Saints (2025 Nex Lvl) takes place at St Mary’s College Grounds, Port of Spain from 6 pm-1 am.

Massy Trinidad All Stars perfrom during the BPTT Panorama 2024 National large band finals held at the Queen's Park Savannah, February 10, 2024. - Photo by Jeff K. Mayers

On February 9, Prestige’s The Golden Gala will take place from 5-11 pm at Brian Lara Cricket Academy, San Fernando.

Here is the lineup for Sunday’s large band crawl in the northern region from 7 pm:

Desperadoes Steel Orchestra - George Street, Port of Spain

Massy Trinidad All Stars Steel Orchestra - Neville Jules Junction, Duke Street, Port of Spain

Bp Renegades Steel Orchestra - 138 Renegades Way (Charlotte Street), Port of Spain

Nutrien Silver Stars Steel Orchestra - 56 Tragarete Road, Newtown, Port of Spain

Shell Invaders Steel Orchestra - Queen’s Park Oval (car park), Tragarete Road, Port of Spain


Phase II Pan Groove - Hamilton Street, Woodbrook, Port of Spain

Proman Starlift Steel Orchestra - Christopher Samuel Drive, Mucurapo Road, Port of Spain


"A mix of everything for all Carnival lovers this weekend"

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