Imam at murdered man's funeral: 'We are not a people of revenge'

AN IMAM is urging friends and family of murder victim Ameer Hosein not to seek revenge for his death.
Hosein, 31, was reported missing on January 18.
Relatives last saw him on January 17, when he went to a family member's birthday party. They said he received a call sometime after midnight, and went to visit a friend after dropping relatives at their home.
Five days later, the Hunters Search and Rescue Team found the burned remains of Hosein's orange Nissan Almera in bushes off O’Meara Road South in Carapo.
They found his partially decomposed body in the Carapo River on January 26. The body, clad only in boxer shorts, was lodged between some wooden stakes and roots.
Hosein’s family told Newsday on January 27 they believe he was lured to his death by someone he knew.
Khalim Ali was one of two imams who spoke at Hosein’s funeral on January 29 at his home at Kay Road, Frederick Settlement, Caroni.
Ali, who is also a friend of the family, urged those present to remain committed to Allah regardless of their emotions.
He said while they might feel conflicted, they should not seek revenge.
“Your heart is probably pulling in all sorts of different directions. You might be thinking, ‘If I get my hands on these evildoers, I will do so and so, and I will do this and that.’
"All these thoughts are running through your mind and your heart. You might even be thinking of getting somebody to 'put down a work' on them for you.
"No, don’t do it, because if you believe in Allah, justice will come your way.”
Police said they have arrested someone in connection with Hosein’s disappearance but have not yet been able to link that person to his death.
Ali begged Hosein’s friends and relatives to let the justice system take its course.
“We are not a people of revenge. We have systems in place, systems in place which will take care of these evildoers.”
Newsday understands Hosein’s girlfriend now cannot be located.
She was among three people, including two men, to last see him alive, none of whom can now be found. While the Hunters Search and Rescue Team have described them as missing, police sources told Newsday they believe the trio have “gone into seclusion.”
A source said Hosein’s girlfriend began receiving death threats shortly after he disappeared.
No one at Hosein's funeral was willing to comment on the trio’s disappearance or whether they felt it may be connected to his murder.
There was a visible police presence at the funeral, with a marked SUV parked conspicuously near the family's home and easily seen by anyone turning on to the street.
A senior police official said their presence was not prompted by any threat or fear of reprisal stemming from Hosein's death.
"The family did not ask (for us to be there), but when you look at the number of people in attendance, coupled with the fact that we have been involved with the case from the beginning, we thought it was best to be there."
Shaykh Munaf Mohammed, the other imam at the funeral, told everyone to let the police do their work. He said while some may not have faith in the police, their job is not an easy one.
He urged Hosein’s friends and family to be understanding and co-operate with the police so “justice could be served.”
“Justice is not ours. That is for the police and for Allah. If the police don’t get justice, then Allah’s justice will be served.”
He said Allah does not tolerate murder or mistreatment of His followers and warned the killers they will have to pay for their actions.
"Imam at murdered man’s funeral: ‘We are not a people of revenge’"