Hinds: Golden Grove, Carrera suitable SoE detention centres

NATIONAL Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds says the Remand Prison in Golden Grove and the Carrera Island Convict Prison are suitable as designated detention centres during the state of emergency (SoE).
He made this comment in response to a question from Oropouche East MP Dr Roodal Moonilal in the House of Representatives on January 13.
Hinds said. "On matters such as these, I take my timing, my guidance from the administration of the Prison Service."
He added, "I have been informed by the administration of the Prison Service that the facilities referred to in his urgent question are suitable for occupation as we speak."
Hinds said, "As a matter of fact, they are under occupation as we speak."
Repairs and refurbishment, he continued, are an ongoing process.
Hinds said, "There are some items that have been identified for repair and refurbishment and they are being addressed promptly.
Moonilal asked Hinds if he was aware the Prison Officers Association claimed the problems at Golden Grove included a non-functional alarm and a leaking roof.
Hinds said, "I have not been so advised by the administration of the Prison Service."
Speaker Bridgid Annisette-George disallowed a question from Moonilal about the number of people detained since the SoE was declared on December 30.
The House later debated motions to acknowledge the SoE and extend it.
Later in the sitting, in response to a question from Couva South MP Rudranath Indarsingh, Hinds said there is no formal policy between the police and the National Maintenance Training and Security Company Limited (MTS) to assist in the fight against crime.
"Hinds: Golden Grove, Carrera suitable SoE detention centres"