Charles: Let young take over from old leaders

NAPARIMA MP Rodney Charles called for younger people to take over from ageing politicians, in his New Year's message, titled, As a nation we must include succeeding generations in our development plans for 2025 and beyond.
He said Trinidad and Tobago was now at an inflection point in its development.
"In foreign affairs we face the daunting realities of a chaotic Trump-led, post-rules-based international order."
He said domestically, the past year was marked by escalating crime, rising poverty, foreign exchange shortages and palpable national despair.
"It is time for immediate, meaningful and strategic action to reverse our misfortunes.
"Either it is business as usual with septuagenarians continuing to misrule the country.
"Or, alternatively we actively, and not condescendingly, seek out, encourage, mentor and incorporate the best minds and the brightest prospects resident in our youth in charting the way forward."
Charles said TT's future depends on a seamless integration of its proven performers with innovative, youthful “out of the box” perspectives.
"By empowering the next generation of leaders and fostering an environment where they can contribute meaningfully, we can begin to rebuild the trust and confidence of our citizens."
He said as things now stand, unborn citizens will inherit a poisoned chalice bequeathed to them by present and past generations.
"Challenges include a politics governed by unenlightened self interest, porous borders, failing infrastructure, misgovernance characterised by lack of transparency and accountability, and a culture that celebrates mediocrity, smartmanism and brown nosing."
He said over the next few weeks he will call on national leaders to prioritise concrete, measurable, well-thought-out policies to get TT out of a debilitating morass surrounding it. This morass, he said, is driving businessmen, scholars and the precious human resources to leave TT for other shores.
"We need more than manifesto fillers and wish lists but a comprehensive national interest plan, starting with our re-engineered foreign policy."
Charles urged help for citizens abroad seeking to “fix their papers” legally before Donald Trump assumes office as US President in January.
"Their repeated requests for such essential documents as birth certificates and certificates of good character cannot and must not suffer on the altar of our known reputation for bureaucratic slothfulness and incompetence."
He called for solutions that prioritize the safety, well-being, and prosperity of all.
"Let us work together – across generations, communities, and political divides – to build a nation where citizens feel secure and hopeful about their future.
"In 2025, we can still aspire and achieve success as a nation."
"Charles: Let young take over from old leaders"