COTT members threaten injunction after election drama

AFTER what some have described as "chaos" at its recent AGM, two members of the Copyright Music Organisation of TT (COTT) have sent a pre-action protocol letter to the organisation on the issue.
COTT's elections were set to be held at the end of its November 28 AGM. Twenty-three people vied for ten spots as writers, producers, publishers and performers.
However, COTT later said the meeting was postponed for safety reasons as staff were "subjected to threats of violence and disruptions."
COTT said its CEO (Ayanna Belgrave-Lewis) asked to leave the meeting "out of an abundance of caution and with the utmost concern for the safety and well-being of members and employees present.
“Throughout the meeting, directors and staff members were subjected to threats of violence and disruptions by several members in attendance," a statement had said.
But in a pre-action protocol letter sent to the organisation dated December 8, COTT members Jabari Winchester and Asten Isaac said they had "serious concerns" arising out of the AGM.
They are being represented by Kavita Samlalsingh of Hove and Associates.
The letter alleged the meeting was abruptly halted and postponed. It added that there was a deliberate delay in voter registration "without just cause for more than 30 minutes while the agenda was under way."
Under the subheading Agenda Manipulation, the letter added, "Members were prompted to move a motion to revisit items discussed on the agenda which had passed whilst they were awaiting completion of the registration process.
"This was prompted as a resolution that sought to retain board members for an undefined term had been passed in the absence of the said members. The intervention of the members was to guarantee that the resolution would include an expiration date for the board members’ service as well as to mitigate the appointment of two board members surreptitiously."
It added that COTT's by-laws were misinterpreted and that there were instances of irregular ballot voting.
Other issues raised included conflict of interest in administration, independent observer conflict and disrespectful conduct.
"The election’s 'independent observers' consisted of accountants and auditors who were dually responsible for the presentation of the organisation's financial reports.
"Members were subjected to derogatory remarks from staff. Specifically, a member of staff, (named), told a group of members, 'That's why allyuh have to come and beg for allyuh money in front of the building.'"
The letter also said the press release issued to the media following the AGM was "false and deeply misleading" and a "gross deviation and departure from the truth."
Indicating that the meeting was recorded, the members requested the footage be sent to them by December 11.
"The actions taken and attempted by certain members of the election organising body violated fundamental principles and democratic rights of the members and were ultra vires to the mandates of its by-laws. It further undermined the well-enshrined principles of fairness, transparency, and integrity of the electoral process resulting in a breach of trust."
The letter suggested "remedies" to the issues moving forward, which included getting independent election observers and hiring staff specifically to oversee the elections, the exclusion of all COTT staff from the election process, an immediate investigation into allegations of voter padding and a public disclosure of findings.
Belgrave-Lewis was given until December 16 to respond to the letter.
"If the matter cannot be resolved through dialogue or appropriate action is not taken, our clients will reserve the right to pursue legal action, including but not limited to: Seeking an injunction to prevent the election process from proceeding until the issues are resolved; Pursuing damages for breach of contract between COTT and our clients’ as members and any associated harm caused."
Newsday asked Belgrave-Lewis via WhatsApp if COTT has responded to or will respond to the letter, the organisation's views on the matter and whether a new election date has yet been set, but no response was provided up to press time.
However, incumbent president Curtis Jordan told Newsday the organisation will respond to the letter soon and that it is seeking legal advice.
"COTT members threaten injunction after election drama"