No action by AG on fireworks abuse

THE EDITOR: This is an open letter to the Attorney General.
Dear Mr Armour, SC,
I am writing on behalf of the Fireworks Action Coalition of TT (FACTT) regarding your failure to deliver with respect to implementation of legislation to protect the citizenry against the irresponsible use of fireworks.
This matter has been under your responsibility for over two years now and despite promises you made, you have failed to deliver. This failure to deliver is a dereliction of duty and undermines the public’s trust and confidence in the office of the Attorney General.
Irresponsible use of fireworks is a public safety concern and the honourable Prime Minister himself said, on October 31, 2023, quote, “The selection of violence as a way of life, the love affair and glamorisation of firearms and the wanton disregard for human life in TT has now gone beyond concerning to the ridiculous.
"This intractable situation now demands that the law-abiding citizens be given the right to their peace and safety above the freedom of the lawless and the violent few who operate with impunity.”
The influence that fireworks have on aspiring criminal elements cannot be understated and is evidenced in the many videos aired on social media recording the youthful gang warfare using fireworks as the weapon of choice.
Notwithstanding, you have failed to deliver permitting the risk to the safety of citizens to continue and escalate.
Your failure to fulfil your obligations is unacceptable and we demand that you apprise us and all citizens, within 15 days of the actions that will be taken to provide the right to peace and safety, from the use of fireworks, for all citizens.
"No action by AG on fireworks abuse"