Cop charged with robbery with aggravation

A 20-year-old police constable has been charged with robbery with aggravation in connection with an armed robbery that took place two weeks ago in the Barrackpore district.
Anthony Sahadeo, who is based at the Praedial Larceny Squad (PLS) in Craignish Village in Princes Town, is expected to face a master in the South Criminal High Court on November 12.
The accused of Princes Town has been with the PLS for the past six months.
The police charged him on the night of November 11.
The charge stemmed from a robbery on October 30 around 6.45 pm when three armed men – two with high-powered guns and the third with a Chinese chopper – ran into a house at Jordan Hill, off Cipero Road and announced a robbery.
The criminals stole $15,000 and a quantity of jewellery. They tried to steal the victim’s car but encountered difficulties. In their haste to flee, one of the criminals dropped the knife.
Barrackpore police were notified and searched the area but found no suspects. However, they found the knife and processed it for fingerprints, which led to the arrest. The constable surrendered at the station on November 6.
The police have said no one else has been arrested.
PLS, which operates under the purview of the Agriculture, Land and Fisheries Ministry, was established in November 2013 to combat praedial larceny nationwide.
Officers wear similar uniforms to regular police.
"Cop charged with robbery with aggravation"