Kamla: Improve moral, spiritual values in families for better nation

Opposition leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar performs arti on October 27 at the Divali Nagar, Chaguanas. - Lincoln Holder
Opposition leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar performs arti on October 27 at the Divali Nagar, Chaguanas. - Lincoln Holder

OPPOSITION Leader Kamla Persad-Bissessar has attributed the breakdown in family life in TT for the moral decay and unprecedented levels of crime and violence that has cast a dark shadow over this country.

“If there was a time that our nation needed to revisit the values and principles that we inculcate in our homes, it is now,” she said as she addressed an audience at Divali Nagar, Chaguanas on October 26.

Persad-Bissessar commended the National Council of Indian Culture (NCIC) for its theme, Grihastha Ashram, which means building families and homes, and for recognising that there is a need to refocus energies and attention on strengthening the family at this time.

“One of the most sacred Sanskars (sacraments) in Hinduism is when one goes into family life, it is the foundation and pillar upon which our society rests.

“As parents and guardians, we must confront the challenges of our children’s environment today. Digital technology has gripped the world, replacing the time we spend with our children and the lessons we impart.


“The temptation of drug and alcohol abuse, coupled with peer pressure and bullying, requires us to be vigilant and present in the lives of our children.”

She said parents and guardians must make a conscious effort to be more involved in their children’s lives.

“Today’s world is cruel and harsh, therefore, the family must be our children’s safe space and haven.”

She advocated that homes must become institutions of learning. “Centres for moral and spiritual values, and places where we can comfortably express ourselves, our thoughts and our feelings. To all of us, the most important things in our lives are our children and their welfare. If we are to look at the manifestations of the Goddess Mother Lakshmi herself, one of her eight forms is Santana Lakshmi, the goddess of progeny and children.”

In this vein, she said, “Divali should be a constant reminder that our children are a gift from the goddess, and how we raise them is our gift to her.”

She noted the most heinous crimes meted out to children in TT.

“The breakdown in our society today has seen bloodshed becoming more and more pervasive in circumstances surrounding the home. We must find the courage and determination to pick up the pieces and awaken from the slumber that seems to have befallen our nation on critical issues affecting the most vulnerable in our society.

“Courage and determination start with the family. We must become more responsive and diligent in our approach to wanting and demanding better of ourselves and for our children.

“Fixing the problems at home must be a collaborative effort, but it all starts with respect, principles, and commitment.


“I want to leave you with the message Lord Krishna said to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra, ‘Lift yourself, by yourself, for yourself.’

“Your country, your community, and your children depend on it. We often say God helps those who help themselves. Let us take the words from the Lord himself and help ourselves, starting with the family.”

In her address, Persad-Bissessar paid tribute to the former NCIC president, the late Pundit Dr Deokinanan Sharma. She said Sharma gave his blood, sweat and tears to Indian and Hindu culture in TT.

“As a former Prime Minister, a sitting MP, and the leader of the UNC, but more so as a proud Hindu woman, I pay my respects and commendation to the legacy of a remarkable soul. Many of us stand on the shoulders of persons like Dr Sharma, who laid the foundation for the advancement and progress of East Indians and Hindus in our nation.”

She said he made an indelible mark on the cultural, religious and social tapestry of the nation. In keeping with the principles of Lord Krishna about never engaging in action for the sake of reward, she said Sharma never sought reward but the continuous upliftment of Sanatan Dharma.

Persad-Bissessar asked those present to keep TT in their prayers.

“May the Divine Universal Mother bless all of you and your families, let us keep our country in our prayers for better days filled with light prevailing over darkness, and in case you forget, remember Divali is about light over darkness.”


"Kamla: Improve moral, spiritual values in families for better nation"

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