Decent noise level, please

THE EDITOR: We hope for a decent level of noise, if such can happen at the Queen's Park Oval, re the Caribbean Premier League (CPL) T20 cricket matches and other events in the coming months.
As I write this letter on September 17, the day before the first CPL game at the Oval, the thumping has started on the western side in line with our homes. Is there a reason why the noise has to "jump" the walls? The loud Carnival mentality is no excuse to break noise levels.
We do hope that one day the Oval's surrounding walls will be extended vertically and not disturb residents as far and wide as St James, parts of Woodbrook. Inner St Clair never seems to be affected, it appears.
The Oval was possibly not built for loud events, but then it was a gentleman's domain.
Boom boxes, or whatever name these are now called, blast excessively loud noise/aka music, and appear to take precedence over residents' rights as citizens.
The noise/aka music, as the EMA and medics are aware, can ruin our hearing permanently. The data can be found and read at the EMA's library on Elizabeth Street, St Clair.
After all, cricket is a gentleman's game. Or is it?
via e-mail
"Decent noise level, please"