IDA: Will Store Bay upgrade affect environment?

The Innovative Democratic Alliance (IDA) says Tobagonians deserve to know the true scope of the THA’s proposed Store Bay Beach Club project, including its environmental impact and how it aligns with the needs of the community.
At a news conference at the IDA’s headquarters in Scarborough on September 3, the party’s PRO Kay Trotman called on the THA to provide “immediate and full transparency” about the redevelopment exercise, including the developers behind the initiative.
She said the lack of information raises serious concerns about the intentions and the project’s potential impact on communities.
“Why was there no meaningful consultation with the affected vendors and the wider Tobago community?” Trotman asked. “The THA must involve all stakeholders to ensure that any development benefits everyone, and not just a privileged few.”
While she acknowledged the THA has met with tenants on two occasions to discuss the project, Trotman said, “The process has only deepened our concerns.
“The proposal has been met with troubling concern, to say the least, not because the vendors are opposed to progress, but because of the exclusionary process employed by the THA.”
"IDA: Will Store Bay upgrade affect environment?"