Social service centre opened in Port of Spain

Donna Cox, Minister of Social Development and Family Service cuts the ribbon at opening ceremony for the Ministry of Social Development's Port of Spain Social Services Centre on Henry Street, Port of Spain on August 26. - Photo by Gabriel Williams
Donna Cox, Minister of Social Development and Family Service cuts the ribbon at opening ceremony for the Ministry of Social Development's Port of Spain Social Services Centre on Henry Street, Port of Spain on August 26. - Photo by Gabriel Williams

THE Ministry of Social Development and Family Services has opened its first social service centre and plans to open more in the coming year.

The centre, at 132 Henry Street, Port of Spain, is geared towards responding to the needs of the vulnerable and less fortunate groups.

Speaking at the opening on August 26, the minister, Donna Cox, said, "This centre accommodates four social service delivery divisions, specifically our social welfare division, our national family services division, our national social development programme and our citizens' engagement and outreach unit.”

Minister Donna Cox speaks at the opening on August 26. - Photo by Gabriel Williams

"This convenient one-stop shop...provides clients with an integrated approach and greater ease of doing business with this ministry."

Cox said people no longer need to visit several of the ministry's offices around Port of Spain to access the services they need.

"Their money and time will be better utilised coming to this one-stop shop."

Cox said additional centres would be opened in Arima, Tunapuna, Aranguez, Point Fortin, Couva and Sangre Grande next year.

She mentioned that not everyone over 65 is entitled to a pension.

"We want to remind people that you have to be poor and vulnerable. The pension is not automatic."

Cox quoted the Bible Psalm 41:1-3: "Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him, and keep him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his enemies. The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed of languishing: thou wilt make all his bed in his sickness."

She said, “God promises to bless us when we look after the poor and vulnerable.”

Reporting by Kris-Ann Durity


"Social service centre opened in Port of Spain"

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