Critical to ensure just society for all
THE EDITOR: Covid19 has drastically altered global perspectives, revealing how crises can be exploited for financial gain.
The introduction of cashless, crypto and digital currencies by governments, often perceived as a move to control citizens, raises concerns about constitutional rights and the potential for mandated compliance.
This push for economic reform could strip away individual freedoms, despite inevitable attempts by underground economies to adapt.
China's strategic manoeuvres in trade routes hint at an ongoing trade war aimed at market dominance. Domestically, soaring costs for necessities like food, electricity, housing and internet point to monopolistic practices designed to suppress the middle and lower classes.
Taxes and fines, such as property tax, VAT, and salary deductions like health surcharges, burden citizens while public services like healthcare and border security suffer from inadequate funding and mismanagement.
These draconian measures, coupled with a faltering economy, deplete foreign exchange reserves and deter new investments, exacerbating the crime crisis. The erosion of constitutional values threatens the future, potentially leaving children with a fractured society.
The silence of influential bodies, including churches and humanitarian associations, is troubling. They should be vocal advocates for justice and equity but appear complacent.
The need for vigilant border patrols and genuine public accountability is more critical than ever to protect the nation's integrity and ensure a fair society for all.
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"Critical to ensure just society for all"