Rowley: PNM’s stability, future is my legacy

Prime Minister Keith Rowley -
Prime Minister Keith Rowley -

THE Prime Minister says an important part of his legacy as PNM political leader will be to ensure the party’s long-term stability and future.

Dr Rowley made this statement during the PNM’s Diego Martin 51st annual constituency conference on August 3.

Rowley, who is also Diego Martin West MP, reminded his audience that he has held this post since 1991.

He said after 33 years in politics, “we never get weary yet.”

Rowley, who has been PNM leader since 2010, told PNM members that he is often asked what his legacy would be.


“One thing that I can point to and I want to point to is while I was leader of the PNM, I ensured that at the appropriate time, the appropriate transition was made and the PNM, the organisation of the PNM is left in good hands for posterity and for the future.”

After the PNM’s August 10,2020 general election, Rowley hinted at retirement from electoral politics.

But Rowley has never indicated when he would retire from politics or who could be likely to succeed him as PNM leader.

Finance Minister Colm Imbert, a PNM deputy leader, usually acts as prime minister whenever Rowley is overseas.

When Rowley attended a Caricom heads of government meeting in Grenada last week, Imbert was overseas on vacation.

Energy Minister Stuart Young acted as prime minister in his absence.

Young is PNM chairman.

While the next general election is constitutionally due by next November and Rowley has repeatedly said the PNM will complete its full five-year term, he reminded party members to keep themselves in a state of readiness.

“In an election year, any month, any day is election day.”


Rowley advised PNM members not to be swayed by various personalities, including those aligned to the party’s opponents, who use social media and other tactics to deliberately misrepresent the truth about the country’s circumstances.

“One gets the impression that if you listen to those who appoint themselves ‘leaders of the national narrative’, that nothing is happening in Trinidad and Tobago. Nothing good.”

Referring to a presentation made earlier in the conference by Public Utilities Minister Marvin Gonzales on aspects of his portfolio, Rowley said the PNM was the only party which could call on any minister, while it is in government, to have a frank conversation with the population about his or her portfolio.

He added that on the basis of that “we could go to the polls any time, any day and the people of this country will have the opportunity to say you want that or you want that.”

Rowley repeated that all of the PNM’s political opponents only wanted to be elected to government and had no plans to develop TT.

“The PNM’s mission is not accomplished until the people are served and served well.”

He said, “ That is what keeps me agitated. That is what keeps me energised and that is what keeps me motivated.”

Rowley added that he was proud and pleased to see the number of young people who were aspiring towards leadership opportunities through the PNM.

He had some advice for them.


“Office is not a certificate to play the fool.”


"Rowley: PNM’s stability, future is my legacy"

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