Embracing Venezuelan cuisine, culture

- Photo courtesy Pixabay
- Photo courtesy Pixabay

THE EDITOR: Embracing Venezuelan cuisine and culture, as we have done with arepas and paranda, is just the beginning. We need to encourage deeper integration between Venezuelans and Trinidadians/Tobagonians through sports, cultural exchanges and community activities.

Inviting Venezuelans into our homes and visiting theirs in Venezuela can foster mutual understanding and friendship. Schools and sports leagues should facilitate these exchanges to build bonds from a young age.

Major companies and banks can play a crucial role by insisting on compulsory Spanish-language training for their employees. They should hire Spanish teachers and offer daily classes, viewing this as an investment in a more interconnected future. This approach will not only enhance communication, but also demonstrate our commitment to inclusivity.

Hiring Venezuelans in our companies and homes can help them integrate and contribute to the TT economy. Socialising with them, rather than treating them as outsiders, will enrich our communities with diverse perspectives and talents.

By mingling and collaborating we can break down barriers and build a stronger, more unified society. Embracing our Venezuelan neighbours as friends and equals is essential for a harmonious and prosperous future.




"Embracing Venezuelan cuisine, culture"

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