Mixed views from public on SSA cult coup

Margaret June Alexander  -
Margaret June Alexander -

The public had mixed views on the Prime Minister's statement that there was a religious cult running the Strategic Services Agency (SSA) that was plotting to overthrow his government.

Dr Rowley made the bombshell comments in Parliament on July 3.
On July 5, Newsday took to the streets of Port of Spain to get the public's reaction to the audit done by the acting director of the SSA, retired Brigadier General Anthony Phillips-Spencer.

Rowley said the SSA had highly-trained military operators, armed with the latest weaponry, on a treasonous mission to overthrow the government.

Matthew Singh -

Moren, a safety officer from Arouca who did not wish to give her full name, expressed scepticism. She said the PM needs to give the public more evidence to support his claims.

She said Rowley's statement could also be a political gimmick. Moren described his comments as a serious allegation.

Aphzal Hosein, a 55-year-old Belmont resident, echoed Moren's views, calling for the report to be made public. But he added, "Nowhere in this country is safe any more; anywhere you go feels dangerous. It can very well be true."

Steven Bradshaw -

Margaret Alexander, who was sitting in Woodford Square with a friend, said she believed everything the PM said in Parliament. The retiree questioned if other people were involved in the alleged plot who have not yet been held.

"This place is scary now; you're not even safe in your own home. I believe people were trying to overthrow the government."

Matthew Singh, from Maraval, who gave his profession as a social entrepreneur, believes financial hardships in TT have led people to make dangerous choices. He called the PM's statement a "possibility."

Singh called for a greater focus on mental health in the country.

Steven Bradshaw, a taxi driver from St James, said he found the allegations credible and believed there were no additional threats to national safety.

He said those involved would now "pat down" and "relax" themselves. The 74-year-old said he has confidence in the government and its handling of any threat to the nation.


"Mixed views from public on SSA cult coup"

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