PM: All relevant information considered to extend CoP contract

Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher - File photo by Angelo Marcelle
Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher - File photo by Angelo Marcelle

THE Prime Minister has said all relevant information was considered before Cabinet approved a one-year extension to the contract of Commissioner of Police (CoP) Erla Harewood-Christopher.

Dr Rowley made this comment in the House of Representatives on June 14.

In a statement issued on May 13, the Office of the Prime Minister said Cabinet on May 7 advised President Christine Kangaloo to extend Harewood-Christopher's tenure as commissioner for one year from May 15.

She was first appointed CoP last February.

When she reached the mandatory retirement age of 60 last May, her contract was extended by Cabinet for one year.

The extension approved on May 15 will see Harewood-Christopher's tenure as CoP end next May.

In response to a question from Couva South MP Rudranath Indarsingh, Rowley said, "The Cabinet has taken into account all relevant matters and information pertinent to the appointment and extension (of the contract) of the CoP."

When Indarsingh asked if the performance appraisal conducted by the Police Service Commission (PSC) formed part of the matters which Rowley mentioned, Speaker Bridgid Annisette-George advised him that Rowley had answered this question.

Indarsingh said, "I just want to put on record that I am not satisfied with the answer."

When Naparima MP Rodney Charles asked the same question later in the sitting, Rowley said he had already answered this question.

Charles asked whether the homicide rates during Harewood-Christopher's first year in office were used to determine whether or not she should be reappointed.

Rowley said, "The consideration takes everything into account with respect to the CoP discharging her responsibility as CoP."

Annisette-George ruled Charles' subsequent question about transparent criteria for the selection of CoP to be out of order.


"PM: All relevant information considered to extend CoP contract"

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