The Games We Played: A review by Nathan Fraser

My name is Nathan Fraser, I am ten and I love to read.
I was introduced to a very interesting book called The Games We Played by Ms Carol-Ann Crossley, by my aunty Narissa.
Ms Crossley is an author from Trinidad and Tobago and she is also a poet.
In her book, there are games that can be played indoors, like on a rainy day, and games that can be played outdoors, which is even better.
I was excited to read it because last term in school, our class project was titled The Games We Used To Play.
I enjoyed it because it was very easy to read and I also learnt about the different games my parents and grandparents used to play when they were younger. I also enjoyed reading about games my parents taught me to play, like marble pitch.
Because of Ms Crossley, I now know that I can use a bean bag to play bean bag relay. I had only ever used one before to throw it into the hole in a wooden box for my church’s fun and games event.
The illustrations were eye-catching, colourful and amusing. It was fun to see how the games were played in addition to reading about them. I loved how Ms Crossley put stories about herself, her family and friends playing these games when they were kids too.
My only disappointment was that she did not make the stories longer, because I enjoyed reading them.
The How to Play sections helped me understand how to play the games better. I especially enjoyed reading the chapter called Cricket: a bat and ball game because I like cricket.
I have also played some of the other games such as red light, green light, tug-of-war, rummy 500 and jacks. I still play hide and seek and paper launching games with my siblings Liam and Sofía.
My father also took us to Skinner Park to fly a kite during the Easter vacation. I have also won and lost at musical chairs, during birthday parties.
This book teaches us that there are other things we can do, rather than being on a cellphone, iPad or a tablet.
Parents should buy this book for their children because it is very interesting, and those who do not know about these games can read this book and learn how to play them.
I give this book five stars out of five.
"The Games We Played: A review by Nathan Fraser"