Simple to find barge owners

Stuart Young -
Stuart Young -

THE EDITOR: If anyone wants to know how dotish the Government thinks we are, simply refer to the comment made by Energy Minister Stuart Young that over 350 vessels are named Gulfstream.

According to him, this makes it very difficult to find out the owners of the vessel identified in the Tobago oil slip.

Young believes he is talking to the party faithful. No, sir.

All you have to do is to find out who owns the tug Solo Creed and you are good to go. The tug was pulling the barge. Simple!

But not a word of that from Young.

Word on the ground is that there is some very high-level involvement in this issue. That accounts for the initial slow response and why a tier 3 call was never made by the Government.

Now we are hearing that the barge was not called Gulfstream but by a local pejorative. However, that is irrelevant to finding the owners of the tug.

But what do I know? I am just an ordinary citizen.


Mt Hope


"Simple to find barge owners"

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