PAEC to examine VMCOTT finances

Opposition Senator Wade Mark. - File photo by Ayanna Kinsale
Opposition Senator Wade Mark. - File photo by Ayanna Kinsale

THE Public Accounts Enterprises Committee (PAEC) will examine the financial affairs of the Vehicle Management Corporation of Trinidad and Tobago (VMCOTT) when it meets at the Red House on Wednesday at 10 am.

According to the Parliament's website, the PAEC will examine VMCOTT's audited accounts, balance sheet and other financial statement for the 2015 and 2016 financial years.

The PAEC is chaired by Opposition Senator Wade Mark.

On February 2, the Parliament's Human Rights, Equality and Diversity Committee will hold a public inquiry from 10.15 am into the challenges faced by people with disabilities to access services and employment.

This committee is chaired by Senate Vice-President Dr Muhammad Yunus Ibrahim.


There are no scheduled sittings of the House of Representatives or Senate this week.


"PAEC to examine VMCOTT finances"

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