Computers for Kids project gives away devices

The ClickToStart Foundation and the Rotaract Club of Diego Martin recently concluded a joint initiative that put a total of 68 laptops, tablets and desktops in the hands of pandemic-affected students across Trinidad and Tobago. The team was an all volunteer under the banner Computers for Kids.
The mission of the collaborative effort was simple: to ensure that as many students as resources allowed, did not suffer on account of online school during the pandemic period. The Computers for Kids project began in late 2020 and ended early in 2023.
The project team solicited good and upgradeable computers, and financial or in-kind donations for computer-related auxiliary items. The 68 machines were refurbished and another sub-team worked with school administrators and principals to ensure children got the devices.
The ClickToStart Foundation is a non-profit, community-based organisation dedicated to addressing the technological needs of the nation's citizens with limited or no experience. The foundation's mission has been to empower marginalised groups through technology training and access, and they saw the pandemic as an urgent call to action. It partnered with the Rotaract Club which had already initiated its own device distribution project.
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"Computers for Kids project gives away devices"