DNA linked to crime scene - Businessman arrested in Lady Chancellor Hill murder

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DNA evidence was used by investigators to arrest the suspect believed responsible for the murder of Marvin “Goldie” Joseph whose body was found along Lady Chancellor Hill on October 15. Joseph was found clad in women’s clothing.

Police sources confirmed that the suspect – a businessman from east Trinidad – was arrested on Sunday.

The man was arrested by officers of the Region I Homicide Bureau of Investigations and, according to sources, will be charged with Joseph's murder and appear before a magistrate on Monday. His DNA, police sources claimed, was found at the crime scene.

Joseph’s body which bore numerous stab wounds, was found in some grass at the side of a road along the hill by a jogger.

Joseph’s mother Bella Alleyne, told Newsday that a female police officer contacted her on Sunday to update the family on the investigations and broke news of the arrest.

She said the news was bitter-sweet one for her as she is still struggling to deal with her son’s murder.

“Everything happens by God's will. Is He who put everything in plan and He makes it work. It’s a good feeling (knowing of an arrest and charged) but that’s just one part.”

Alleyne, who said she is leaning on her faith in God to bring her through this trying situation, added, “It's okay though, because everybody who did my son wrong, God is dealing with them for me.” She said she plans on attending court hearings right up to trial for her son’s alleged killer.

“I may have to go to the trial anyway seeing that I am the one who identified his body.”

Asked if she believes she could maintain her composure when evidence comes out at any trial, Alleyne responded without hesitation:

“Yes, I have the strength to do that. I have to be strong for my son.”

Social media was full of praise for the police following the arrest with one person commenting: “this is a definite win for the TT Police Service.”

The user added that the arrest would send a “clear message” to the queer community in TT that the TTPS “is able to properly investigate and justly execute procedure for an investigation.”

Vitriolic comments were, however, also made toward the LGBTQIA community on social media posts about the arrest.

Following Joseph’s death, the NGO Coalition Advocating for Inclusion of Sexual Orientation (CAISO) called on the police to investigate his death to the fullest extent.

Newsday reached out to a CAISO spokesperson on Sunday for a comment on the arrest and also on the hateful comments being made online. The CAISO official committed to issuing a release on the matter soon.


"DNA linked to crime scene – Businessman arrested in Lady Chancellor Hill murder"

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