Thiago's love for tradition and culture

Thiago Espinal is a nine-year-old Venezuelan boy who born into a family of dance, art, and traditions.
He is the grandson of Venezuelan Maria Nuitter, a La Burriquita dancer who has been dedicated to promoting culture in Venezuela for more than 25 years. Thiago inherited his passion for traditional dance from her.
La Burriquita is a traditional dance in Venezuela and dancers dress in long, colourful skirts that fall on a burriquita (donkey) made from materials such as cardboard and felt.
Thiago's family traditions and his love for his country has inspired him to become a La Burriquita dancer himself.
He told Newsday Kids, “I love dancing La Burriquita. It is an immense joy I feel every time I put on the costume. I am filled with emotion because it is a family and country tradition.”
Born in Caracas, Thiago came to TT with his family when he was just four months old.
He said the same love he has for his country he also wants to have for TT.
“I love Venezuela because it is where I am from, but Trinidad and Tobago has opened the doors to my family and me and I try every day to learn more about its culture and traditions.
“I would like to establish both cultures in me, continue dancing the burriquita, but learn to play the pan. That’s something I want to achieve.”
Thiago lives with his mother Janibel Cupen, maternal grandmother Carmen Parra and his aunt Carle Cupen in Mt Pleasant, Arima.
“His grandmother Maria taught him to dance since he started to walk. Since that moment, over the years, she has made him several little donkey costumes so that he can continue dancing,” Parra said.
Thiago speaks English and Spanish and studies at St Hillary Pre and Primary School, Arima.
He has made many friends and although he speaks little with them about the traditions of his country, he wants his local friends to know the beauty of Venezuelan art.
He is part of the La Casita music school and is learning to play different instruments. He practices every day.
“I like the drum more, I feel free to use my hands and the sound catches me.”
He also does karate at an academy in Arima.
Thiago is preparing to make his first official performance as a musician with the La Casita children's parang group.
"Thiago’s love for tradition and culture"