Lee presents Memory, Myth and Mas
Marissa Yung Lee’s solo exhibition Memory, Myth and Mas is based on an essay by Amanda T McIntyre, The Babydoll: Memory, Myths and Mas, examines the interplay between mas and myth and the collective memory of the viewer.
Lee, a self-taught artist is best known for her oil portraits of cultural and traditional mas performers. She works primarily in oil, with heavy concentration on value study, impressionistic colours and alla prima brush and knife work. Inspiration for her work comes from the deep connections and artistry of her subjects and from the continual challenges of the medium, a media release said.
Her portraits convey a story as she strives toward the evocative rather than the purely literal which creates a sense of mystery and captures moments in time.
She describes her style as contemporary realism blended with impressionism. Lee said, in the release, “The best part of painting for me is the people I meet. To form these wonderful connections, to tell someone’s story is a privilege and a responsibility that I take very seriously.”
Her works have been exhibited in the National Museum, The Art Society of Trinidad and Tobago, the Rotunda Gallery, Horizons Art Gallery, Arnim’s Art Galleria, Coco Vivo Gallery in Charleston, South Carolina, and in private collections locally and internationally. She was awarded a distinction from the Portrait Society of America for its 25th annual International Portrait Competition.
Opening night is in person from 6.30-8 pm at Horizons Art Gallery, 37 Mucurapo Road, St James, or there's slideshow feature option on the gallery's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Horizonsarttrinidad/
The exhibition opens October 31 and run until November 11, from 8.30 am-5 pm Mondays to Fridays, and 9 am-1 pm on Saturdays.
"Lee presents Memory, Myth and Mas"