Breanne Mc Ivor, Kevin Jared Hosein open Writer to Writer series

Writer to Writer, the new series hosted by the NGC Bocas Lit Fest, focuses on at-home, Trinidad and Tobago writers, up close and personal.
Each event will hosts two authors talking to each other in a no-holds-barred framework, different from a formal interview setting, a media release said.
The first Writer to Writer session, featuring novelists Breanne Mc Ivor and Kevin Jared Hosein, is on October 28, from 3.30 pm, at The Writers Centre, 14 Alcazar Street, St Clair – home of the Bocas Lit Fest, Paper Based Bookshop, and a branch of Full Bloom Coffee.
The event is free and open to all.
Festival and programme manager of the Bocas Lit Fest Shivanee Ramlochan said, in the release, “Writing has long been considered an activity that fosters social isolation: with Writer to Writer, we want to counteract that notion with the strength of our local literary community.
“Gathering people passionate about books, reading and ideas is at the heart of what we do at the NGC Bocas Lit Fest and our year-round programmes.
"In this upcoming talk between Breanne and Kevin, we expect the two writers to engage each other in candid chat. The experience will be akin to overhearing a particularly exciting conversation, but in a fully-endorsed setting – with a chance to truly relate to both writers in real time.”
Hosein, winner of the 2018 Commonwealth Short Story Prize and author of Hungry Ghosts, is enthusiastic for the homegrown aspect of Writer to Writer.
“Breanne and I are authors who pen our stories from the very rocks we write about. We both choose to write about the shadows cast by the people and monuments rooted here. I am very much looking forward to learning from her own experience as a writer based in Trinidad, and sharing my own as well.”
Mc Ivor, author of The God of Good Looks, is similarly excited about the event.
“As a reader and a writer, I am always so intrigued by the writing process. What were all the things happening in the background so that an author could arrive at this particular book?
"I am also a huge fan of Kevin. I can’t wait to pick his brain and talk about The God of Good Looks, Hungry Ghosts, and all our other writing.”
Both writers’ books have featured on Paper Based Bookshop’s bestseller lists for multiple months of this year. The bookshop, housed at The Writers Centre, will be open during the Writer to Writer event for those who want to buy copies of Hosein's and Mc Ivor’s titles.
Audience members who already own copies of the books can bring them along for autographs.
Full Bloom Coffee will also be on hand for the session.
"Breanne Mc Ivor, Kevin Jared Hosein open Writer to Writer series"