Smooth voting at TUCO elections

The Trinbago Unified Calypsonians Organisation (TUCO) elections went smoothly on Saturday with members voting for a new executive.
According to incumbent assistant public relations officer Sherma Orr-Watkins, there was a rush of voters when the polls opened at the VIP Lounge, Queen’s Park Savannah, Port of Spain at 9 am and a steady trickle throughout the day until voting closed at 5 pm.
Voting was also done at the Mt Pleasant Community Centre in Tobago.
Approximately 300 members voted for candidates for the positions of president, vice president, assistant general secretary, treasurer, assistant public relations officer, education and research officer, welfare officer, and trustees.
Dr Rudolph Ottley and MC “Bro Mark” Morris Edwards will challenge sitting president Ainsley King for the position.
Unopposed were Shirlane Hendrickson for general secretary, Melissa Williams-Campbell for assistant treasurer, Rondell Donawa for public relations officer and Devon Seale for marketing manager.
She said by 1 pm about 140 members had cast their votes.
Previously, the TUCO election was an issue of contention when calypsonian Morel “King Luta” Peters issued a pre-action protocol letter to TUCO calling for a by-election to be held for the post of president after the passing of then president Lutalo “Brother Resistance’ Masimba on July 13, 2021.
He said according to TUCO's constitution an election should have been held within three months and accused King of illegally assuming the position of president.
However, in June 2022, Justice Kevin Ramcharan ruled in favour of an application by TUCO striking out Peter’s lawsuit.
Votes were being tallied after 6 pm on Saturday.
"Smooth voting at TUCO elections"