UNC: Investigate former CoP in Brent Thomas matter

The Opposition Leader has called on the police to investigate whether former Commissioner of Police Mc Donald Jacob was involved in the “abduction” of businessman Brent Thomas.
Speaking during the UNC’s Monday Night meeting at the party's headquarters at 31 Mulchan Seuchan Road, Chaguanas, Kamla Persad-Bissessar addressed her remarks to Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher.
“You should be investigating who gave permission for TTPs officers to go to Barbados and abduct Brent Thomas, and the man you should be speaking to is former commissioner of police Mc Donald Jacob. You should be interviewing him, you should be investigating.
“All the (National Security) Minister (Fitzgerald Hinds) say is, it wasn’t me. It’s like Shaggy all over again.
"Did these officers leave TT under the watch of commissioner of police McDonald Jacob? Did they leave with his permission or they just pick up themselves and they went? The truth will come to light. When the UNC wins, we will investigate and none shall escape.”
Messages sent to Mc Donald Jacob asking for a comment went unanswered.
Persad-Bissessar had previously been criticised by both Hinds and Harewood-Christopher after issuing a media release calling on the officers involved “not to do the dirty work of the PNM."
At the time, she said, "I again call on the officers implicated in the illegal Brent Thomas abduction: do not trust Keith Rowley, Fitzgerald Hinds and the hierarchy of the TTPS. It is time to put yourselves, your families and the reputation of the TTPS first.”
Hinds said her remarks were dangerous and could be regarded as threatening towards the officers involved.
Harewood-Christopher denied Persad-Bissessar’s claims, and urged her and members of the public to be careful in their statements, as such claims could affect the operations of certain institutions.
“The Brent Thomas matter is currently before the courts and in the interim, the TTPS is obligated to manage any disclosure in relation to that matter in accordance with the propriety that is required for due process.”
"UNC: Investigate former CoP in Brent Thomas matter"