Woman charged with attempted murder in poisoning of student

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A New Grant woman has been charged with attempted murder and exposing a child to danger after he was fed a meal laced with poison.

The woman is scheduled to appear before a Princes Town Magistrate on Monday.

The charges were laid by PC Mohess on Saturday, following investigations into a report that a form one student was fed food laced with poison on March 16 after an argument between the two.

The student consumed the meal as instructed by his relative, but began feeling nauseous and started vomiting.

He was taken to the Princes Town District Health facility and later transferred to the San Fernando General Hospital for further treatment.

The woman was interviewed by officers of the Princes Town Criminal Investigations Department (CID) and was subsequently arrested and taken to the Princes Town police station where the charges were laid.

The student is said to be in a stable condition.


"Woman charged with attempted murder in poisoning of student"

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