Malls killing downtown PoS

THE EDITOR: I smiled when I read the complaint of the head of the Downtown Owners and Merchants Association (DOMA), Gregory Aboud. He is correct. The commercial buildings started emptying well before the covid19 lockdown.
As a frequent visitor to Charlotte Street, it is my opinion that shoppers deserted Port of Spain because of the various upmarket shopping malls throughout the country. The shops of downtown owners and merchants were rapidly emasculated. In true Trini to the bone fashion shoppers deserted Port of Spain.
Why? Is it because there are not enough citizens to equally patronise each establishment? Some 1.4 million people not really a lot? Or is the problem not a bit more complicated?
Consider the words, "Trini-style snob-appeal."
Then of course the Government built its own offices rather that rent small premises. Far too much money was being paid out for inadequate office rentals. The Government was forced to get real.
But there are other unspoken reasons for the loss of patronage downtown. The people who think of themselves as "extra special" do not patronise that part of the capital city. In true TT fashion, the small-minded people would rather die first than be seen downtown.
Many citizens who can afford the $1,500 Carnival costume do not shop downtown. Why? Is it because of inherent snobbery? Is it because they do not mind paying more for items in the pricey malls? Or is it because they do not feel safe downtown?
I frequent Port of Spain out of pure nostalgia for the cheap market shopping enjoyed in London as my hobbies include bargain hunting. Port of Spain is still giving value for money. My cousin from Westmoorings said be careful shopping there. I told her fear not, Charlotte Street is as safe, if not safer, than Alyce Glen. There are police at every corner.
The stores making hand-over-fist money in Port of Spain are the eateries and the wayside vendors. One particular fast food business is never empty – like in never ever empty.
On Frederick Street itself, an underwear store is doing great business. Why? Because its products are on par with stores out there in foreign. A wide age range of customers can be seen shopping there.
Downtown Port-of-Spain will never die. The citizens who cannot afford shopping malls will always be there. It is important to both rebuild and sustain the usual patronage. And encourage small businesses with cheaper rentals.
Start putting back stores selling exactly what are in the shopping malls and keep the prices realistic. True bargain hunters will return to Port of Spain for the much cheaper vegetables and clothing, shoes and beauty products.
DOMA and the mayor of Port of Spain need to get together with the police on how to remove mental health cases and vagrants from the streets.
The global cruise ship industry is coming alive post-covid19. Hundreds of passengers walk all over the place without being aware that snobbery is well and alive in TT.
Public safety is the name of the money game in 2023. Port of Spain can be revived.
Diego Martin
"Malls killing downtown PoS"