Garvin Roberts is prisons calypso champion

Garvin Roberts the champion monarch of Carnival Restored - Photo by Grevic Alvarado
Garvin Roberts the champion monarch of Carnival Restored - Photo by Grevic Alvarado

Garvin Roberts was crowned the champion of the calypso competition of the TT Prison Service Inmates Carnival Celebration 2023, Carnival Restored, held on Wednesday in Woodford Square, Port of Spain.

Roberts took to the stage with the song Father Come Down.

Vernon Trotman (Is We) took second place, Marlon Lee (Doh Ask Me) was third and Steve Gobert came fourth.

National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds recognised the work the prison service has been doing for the human rights of prisoners, as well as the NGOs and sponsors who help make these types of events successful.

National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds, during the TT Prison Service (TTPS) Images Carnival Celebration 2023 calypso competition on Wednesday - Photo by Grevic Alvarado

He said to hold this contest in Woodford Square was positive because of its location between the Parliament, the courts/Hall of Justice and ministries.

“When I see a young inmate making a presentation at these types of events, it is a positive sign of his recovery. Today is a productive day for these young people in their restoration and for them all the support,” said Hinds.

Also present were Deopersad Ramoutar, commissioner of prisons, and Carlos Carraspe, deputy commissioner .

The Musical Vibrations Inmates Band provided the live music and a dance group of female prisoners added colour to the show/performances.

Other winners:

Most Humorous Clinton Lewis

People's Choice and Champion Road Monarch Steve Gobert

Best Social Commentary Garvin Roberts

Best Prison Song Avelon Lett

Other participants:

Renaldo Belcon, Megan Johnson, Clinton Lewis, Neville Glaude, Melisa Brown, Denica Mars, Christopher Alexander, Romel Lezama, Kirkland Wharwood, Christopher Thomas, Louis Garcia, Avelon Lett, Terrence Delpesh and Terrel Aqui.


"Garvin Roberts is prisons calypso champion"

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