CSO completes survey

THE public has been praised by both the Central Statistical Office (CSO) and Planning and Development Minister Pennelope Beckles for the high participation in the CSO’s recent Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) between August 1 and December 18.
With a target of approximately 9,000 households, the actual figure was 8,962, a household response rate of 91.8 per cent. Computer-assisted personal interviewing technology was used for real-time collection of data.
Responses are now being analysed and it should take about six months before a statistical report is ready for public release.
Beckles, a CSO release said, congratulated citizens for supporting the work of the CSO adding such data is key in mapping out future development plans taking into account real-world data provided by Government’s clients – the public.The MICS is a household survey implemented by many countries under a programme developed by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to provide internationally comparable, statistically rigorous data on the situation of women and children.
This CSO-implemented survey comprises some of the most comprehensive data on the status of women and children in Trinidad and Tobago. The last such surveys were conducted in 2000, 2006 and most recently 2011.
A pilot of the survey was conducted in various parts of Trinidad in November, which allowed field staff to get comfortable with every element of survey work, map reading and location, interviewing and sending completed data to supervisors in preparation for the actual fieldwork related to the MICS.
Approximately 35 interviewers, ten supervisors, ten water quality testing officers and six observers comprised the team administering the survey.
Some of the types of data collected from previous surveys included: Use of improved drinking water sources, birth registration, and attendance to early childhood education, among others.
The CSO said future exercises and surveys include a year-long household budget survey/survey of living conditions (HBS/SLC), starting later this month.
The CSO is also making preparations for the population and housing census.
"CSO completes survey"