TSTT sending me to take memory pills

THE EDITOR: My telephone landline billing cycle is the third of every month. This means that if the bill date is November 3, I have until December 2 to pay the balance.
I no longer receive "hard copies" of my TSTT bill. Each month, I must access b-online to get my bill. If I "forget to remember," TSTT gleefully cuts my service.
This is because, for almost two years, I have been waiting on TSTT to send me e-mail notifications of when my bill is ready. It has failed to do so.
Flow, for example, notifies it customers, via e-mail, whenever its bills are ready. This is not my experience with TSTT.
Thus, I am on the verge of taking "memory retention" pills to remember to check.
I am writing this letter on Friday morning. My current bill dated December 3 is not yet up on b-online.
One would think that TSTT, with its much vaunted technology, would be able to expeditiously proffer outstanding online bills to its customers.
Another issue is that the b-online platform is essentially static. The only update is when the new bill is generated. It does not show whether a customer has paid their last bill or not. So, for example, although my November bill has been paid in full, TSTT's platform shows the bill as still outstanding.
What is the purpose of a telecommunication's company if it is woefully lacking in simple technology usage?
Mt Hope
"TSTT sending me to take memory pills"