UNC: Suspend Paria management until CoE findings are clear

The United National Congress (UNC) through its Pointe-a-Pierre MP David Lee is calling on Minister of Energy and Energy Industries Stuart Young and the Prime Minister to suspend Paria’s management until the Commission of Enquiry (CoE) into the Paria Diving tragedy clears.
Lee made the call at the Opposition’s weekly Sunday press briefing.
The CoE is ongoing.
Lee said, “The revelations of the CoE over the last few days have shown clearly that had there been proper leadership, had there been effective management and experienced authority four of nation’s son could have been alive.
“The revelations of the CoE over the last few days prove that the calls by the Opposition, the demands of stakeholders and others during this crisis that Paria was not undertaking all means possible to save these individuals may have been accurate.”
Lee said the Opposition was saddened by the revelations of the enquiry and said “all this horror could have been avoided had this Government from the very top shown concern and called together all stakeholders to ensure the best was done to save lives.”
He also asked if Petrotrin’s closure had a role to play in the catastrophe. November 30 will mark four years since Petrotrin’s closure, he said.
“When they told us “all all all” were going home: this included competent safety personnel. This included the persons who for years managed the safe operations of Petrotrin,” Lee added.
He said had the Government not stripped and shut down Petrotrin the country might have had “proper qualified individuals” who could have responded to the catastrophe as well as proper safety measures and regulations.
Lee said what was seen from Paria so far was “a very wrong-and-strong approach.”
“They lack remorse and worse they lack any compassion for the families in most of their submission,” he added.
"UNC: Suspend Paria management until CoE findings are clear"