Trinidad and Tobago's first female calypsonian attorney

THE EDITOR: Congratulations to all UWI School of Law graduates who were presented to the Bar on November 11 and 12.

Among them was Sasha-Ann Moses, TT's first female calypsonian to rise to the legal profession.

To truly understand her accomplishments, we have to place her alongside the few male lawyer calypsonians.

Former president Anthony Carmona sang under the sobriquet the Prophet of Sisyphus at the CDC Calypso Tent while a law student at UWI Cave Hill campus. He made it to the national calypso semis.

Rondell Donawa, who reached the national semis, is also a lawyer. So too is national finalist Wayne Hayde, The Watchman.


Sasha-Ann, whose stage name is simply Sasha, has impressed me threefold.

First, she has a passion for music nurtured from a tender age. At 12, under the guidance of her mother Noeline Brown, Sasha began performing while attending Mt Lambert RC Primary School.

She has won the Emancipation calypso competition three times, three regional calypso competitions, the national schools soca monarch and the NWAC Calypso Queen competition.

In 2015, she was the newest and youngest cast member of the Kaiso Karavan tent. In 2018, she joined the Kalypso Revue tent.

Secondly, Sasha-Ann is also very balanced. She graduated from San Juan South Secondary with nine CXC passes, then enrolled in UWI's Open campus where she pursued business management and technology. She later joined the Law Faculty at UWI's St Augustine campus

Thirdly, I like her choices for calypso. Her writer is Larry Harewood. Her tunes The Essence of Building, and A Matter of Trust, were listed among the top 20 calypsoes of 2015 and 2016 respectively.

I shall always remember a letter to the editor lamenting how Sasha’s song Letter of Restraint was eliminated from the finalists in the 2020 Calypso Monarch competition.

The writer noted the colour commentators of TTT, Marcia Miranda and Gregory Ballantyne, found her performance pore-raising, and wondered aloud why Ms Moses was left out of the final listing of 11 contestants.

May Sasha continue steadily, as calypsonian and attorney.



Mt Lambert


"Trinidad and Tobago’s first female calypsonian attorney"

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