THA Minority Leader sorry for Duke nomination...

THA Minority Leader Kelvon Morris has apologised for nominating political leader of the Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP) Watson Duke to the position of Deputy Chief Secretary.
In a special sitting on Monday at the Shaw Park Cultural Complex to elect a depty following Duke’s resignation on September 15, presiding officer Abby Taylor declared the seat vacant after she informed the House of the resignation.
THA Chief Secretary Farley Augustine rose to his feet and nominated Health Secretary Dr Faith BYisrael, which was seconded by Assistant Secretary in the Tourism division. As Taylor called for more nominees, Morris rose, nominating Duke, much to the surprise of everyone gathered. However, it could not be seconded by Councillor Petal Daniel-Benoit as she is not an elected member of the House.
In a response later that evening, Morris took to social media to apologise for the nomination, quoting Weston H Agor, “making mistakes simply mean you are learning faster.”
“I made a grave error in judgement where I attempted to stroke some more discord by nominating Watson Duke as an alternative choice for the House to have a vote. Indeed it was one that I deeply regret and wish I could undo, however it’s a lesson that I would never forget and one I would never repeat going forward.”
Morris, the electoral representative for Darrel Spring/ Whim is the lone successful People's National Movement (PNM) candidate, after the Progressive Democratic Patriots (PDP) won the THA elections by a landslide 14-1.
Contacted for comment on Tuesday, Political Leader of the PNM Tobago Council Ancil Dennis described the event as unfortunate and “definitely contrary to the PNM’s position.”
“However, having spoken to the Minority Leader, I think it boils down to inexperience on his path and it is something that he can definitely learn from.”
He added: “He continues to have my support, he continues to have the support of the PNM Tobago Council and this matter would continue to be dealt with internally as I don’t wish to engage in any further public debate on this matter. It happened, we discussed it, I think he understands clearly the gravity of the mistake and therefore it is a matter of learning and ensuring that this doesn’t happen again.”
"THA Minority Leader sorry for Duke nomination…"