Photos of the Day: National Flags at half-mast honouring Queen Elizabeth II
Roger Jacob
The Red House, Port of Spain. - File photo by Jeff K Mayers
Newsday photographers captured some of these images reflecting the past 24 hours in Trinidad and Tobago. Other photos were submitted by readers like you.
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The massive national flag on FireOne Fireworks Company compound in Macoya. Photo by Sureash Cholai
Treasury Building, Port of Spain. Photo by Jeff K Mayers
Treasury Building rooftop, Port of Spain. Photo by Jeff K Mayers
The National Library - NALIS, Port of Spain.Photo by Jeff K Mayers
White Hall, Queen's Park Savannah West Port of Spain. Photo by Roger Jacob
British High Commission on St Clair Road, St Clair. Port of Spain. Photo by Roger Jacob
US Embassy of TT, Queen's Park Savannah Port of Spain. Photo by Roger Jacob
"Photos of the Day: National Flags at half-mast honouring Queen Elizabeth II"