Message to country: Love one another
THE EDITOR: This is a message to my fellow countrymen:
This year has been filled with sadness and many a tear
Venturing out day or night was filled with much fear
Many sons, daughters, mothers, fathers have been killed
By murderers who ignore God’s commandments at will.
In the depths of misery, we felt frightened, in despair
And lost all hope that our society could and would repair.
Should we emigrate, leaving our beloved land behind
In the hope that some new Utopia we’d find?
Mercifully, as a spiritual boost came our diamond jubilee
And with style we celebrated our nation’s 60th anniversary.
What great joy came forth from the pageantry!
Such talent and skill in our protective services we did see!
Smiling faces in abundance were everywhere
Such hope, such love filled the atmosphere.
As the soldiers and cadets marched to the beat of the drum
Police, firefighters, coastguards all added to the fun.
Even animals, horses and dogs joined in the celebration
Of this milestone in our truly heavenly blessed nation.
The entry of Prime Minister and President aroused such a cheer
As though the people knew for sure that they really do care.
As the sea of people in red, white and black danced in the sun.
We were a country united in love, we truly felt we were one.
We pray that this spirt of love and unity will remain
For where charity and love prevail, there is so much to gain.
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"Message to country: Love one another"