Education Ministry launches mural project in 20 schools

Twenty schools throughout TT have been given the opportunity by the Education Ministry to get their students to tap into their creative juices and put together a mural for their schools. The project will allow students to use their July/August vacation to create art pieces and the ones chosen will be painted on each school in time for September 10, the new school year.
Education Minister Dr Nyan Gadsby-Dolly said the Mural in Schools Project could help the lesser-known schools get the recognition and pride they deserved. She said there were too many schools that were unknown by the majority of the population and hoped, that with this project, their students could feel the same as those at well-known schools.
"How do you think they would feel upon completion of this project and being able to say, 'I contributed to this?' That's the desire and pride that we want to achieve at all levels."
She also expressed her gratitude towards the American Chamber of Commerce TT (Amcham) and First Citizens for pitching and materialising the idea for primary and secondary schools.
Amcham CEO Nirad Tewarie said the project was inspired by the mural at the mass vaccination site at the Paddock at the Queen's Park Savannah in Port of Spain.
He said the pandemic had been rough for everyone, especially youths, but the Mural in Schools Project could generate positivity. Tewarie said it was an honour to do the project and that "schools should be the centre of the community in every community."
He added that he was looking forward to seeing all the artwork and hoped the murals could ultimately boost tourism in TT.
"Who knows? Maybe we can form another link and this can maybe be a part of tourism like the ones (paintings) we do of the country. It can be to show the local art of the children."
First Citizen's representative Gillian Benjamin said the company knew how much the country depended on the younger generation and that offering youths an opportunity to channel their energies positively was critical.
She said the mural project could also spark an interest for art in some students and, further, help develop their artistic abilities.
"All in all, we expect that this experience will allow them another outlet for enriching their school life, strengthening teamwork and, most of all, experiencing the sense of accomplishment that will come from working on this project together."
"Education Ministry launches mural project in 20 schools"