Point Fortin man who claimed he killed 'the child’ still in custody

Up to Monday afternoon, the man who walked into a police station on Thursday and confessed to killing "the child" was still in custody without charge.
The police said the man, from Techier Village, is believed to be a psychiatric outpatient, and does not appear to be of sound mind.
A senior officer said police do not have the power legally to order that he udergoes a psychiatric evaluation. A court must make such an order.
To date, the man has not given investigators the name or gender of the child. He still had not given specifics about the alleged crime.
He walked into the Point Fortin police station and told the police to lock him up because he had killed the child.
Investigators suspect the child referred to be might be two-year-old Kimani "Mani" Francis, whose body was found in the Guapo River on Tuesday, the day after the toddler went missing from his home at Techier Village. An autopsy found he died by drowning.
Last week Monday, Kimani wandered away from the family’s home at Tenth Street Extension, which led to a massive search.
The police are also investigating possible negligence in the death and have interviewed several people.
Newsday learnt funeral plans are yet to be finalised.
Investigations are ongoing.
"Point Fortin man who claimed he killed ‘the child’ still in custody"