WPC seriously hurt in accident on Uriah Butler Highway

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A woman police officer was seriously injured on Sunday morning after a truck knocked her down while she was attending to an accident.

Police reported that at about 3 am, WPC Jacob and PC Christopher, both of the Freeport Traffic and Highway Patrol, were on patrol along the North bound lane of the Uriah Butler Highway near Grand Bazaar when the incident occurred.

The officers were responding to an accident and with the assistance of the Fire services were engaged in traffic management protocols having cordoned off the immediate lane in which the accident took place.

While managing the traffic, the driver of a three-tonne truck ignored the signs to switch lanes and ran into WPC Jacob.

The officer was taken to the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex in Mt Hope where she was warded in a serious condition and remained unconscious up to press time.


The truck driver was arrested and is now assisting police in their investigations.


"WPC seriously hurt in accident on Uriah Butler Highway"

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