Skiffle brings vibes to Coffee St for Panorama video

IT was pure energy and vibes, reminiscent of a panyard judging event, as CAL Skiffle engaged in the production of an official Panorama video for Carib Brewery Ltd, at its Coffee Street, San Fernando, pan theatre.
Crowds gathered both inside and outside of the panyard to enjoy the live pan and brass music which has been absent for the past two years, as well as the latest 2022 soca offerings.
It was not an advertised event, but San Fernandians, starved for culture, observing activities in the panyard as they walked and drove by, stopped to listen and dance and view some traditional characters – including blue devils, fire breathers, pierrot grenade, moko-jumbies, and "Carib Bears" portray their respective roles.
Some people even went home to get their families and return. Soca artiste Ricardo Drue was also part of the promotion, waving flags and dancing with a pierrot grenade.
Stacey Ryan of Ross advertising which is handling the promotion, said Skiffle was contracted to produce the official Panorama video for Carib, which was recorded live in its panyard on January 29.
“This is a big year for Carib. Last year when we launched Hold On, we wanted to keep the spirit of Carnival alive, but we focused on the memories because we did not have the traditional Carnival.
“This year, because things are opening up a little bit, whilst people are still holding onto the traditional memories of Carnival, we wanted to bring the spirit of Carnival and keep that feeling alive. The campaign this year is based on three pillars – the fetes the mas and the pan.
“What you are seeing here, is the actual rendition Skiffle did of Can You Feel It by Shenseea and Kerwin du Bois – the official song for Carib which we launched last year.”
She said the piece is an amazing, authentic pan rendition, which will be released on several social media platforms, giving Skiffle international focus.
The inclusion of traditional characters which were provided by Junior Bisnath of Kaisoca Moko Jumbies fame, was to keep the authenticity of the culture.
With the Carib brand being all-inclusive, Ryan said the choice of Skiffle from the south was easy in keeping with the brand’s inclusivity.
Promotions in the past, she said has had a tendency to feature Port of Spain-based groups.
“I mean, Skiffle is a pioneer in the south land. We wanted to keep the pan alive and decided why not use a band that is very popular and has done an amazing things with the national instrument.
“Oh gosh, this team is full of vibes,” Antron C Forte, category manager, beer and cider at Carib declared after hearing the notes ring out on the pan.
“Carib is about culture and vibes. It’s about energy and for us we wanted to showcase that in the best possible way and the best way was to find the best steel orchestra and give them the opportunity to make magic with our song Can You Feel it. So far, I am not complaining.”
He said there are plans to promote the brand across the country and San Fernando is factored in that equation.
San Fernando mayor Junia Regrello who is also the CEO of Skiffle, said he was happy for the opportunity to work with Carib.
“I am happy that a brand as big as Carib has decided to make and investment in San Fernando. We have many beer drinkers in San Fernando and the south land.
“For so long we have been crying out for support and we are not centralised enough in terms of equity and distribution of the perks of the land.”
From a San Fernando perspective, he said, “I am excited and delighted by the idea.
“Of course, it is a business opportunity and a revenue stream for us. We grasped the opportunity and a looking forward to similar type projects in the future.
“Carib has a series of events planned for the Carnival season and we will be collaborating with them. I look forward to something exciting for the steelband movement, moving in a different realm.”
Given the restrictions due to the pandemic and the effect it has had on the creative sector, Regrello said this time calls for thinking outside of the box.
“Rather than sitting and waiting for sponsors to come to you or for handouts from the Government, we are being creative and marketing ourselves.”
He said Skiffle is lucky that people like his son and co-captain of the band, Joshua Regrello, “is out there and creating opportunities for us.”
The question of conflict arising for the band which carries the Caribbean Airlines logo, as players were seen in Carib T-shirts for the shoot, was broached.
“We are a band for hire. Our arrangement with CAL is not determined or decided. It’s a year-to-year contract and we have not spoken to them for the year as yet.
“In the interim, we have to live, we have to survive and Carib offered us an excellent opportunity to earn some dollars. They hired the band and rented the panyard for a week and we grasped it with both hands.”
"Skiffle brings vibes to Coffee St for Panorama video"