New dress code in effect at THA buildings

The Tobago House of Assembly (THA) has implemented its new dress code policy at public buildings on the island.
This followed the announcement by THA Chief Secretary Farley Augustine on January 8 that the policy would be changed.
A memo was issued last Friday to all administrators and the clerk of the assembly.
The memo, signed by chief administrator Bernadette Solomon-Karoma, said from January 10, the assembly had agreed to implement a new visitor’s dress code across all state agencies within the purview of the THA.
It said: “With immediate effect, persons in authority and those guarding and welcoming visitors can no longer refuse admissions to any government agencies within the purview of the THA for reasons associated with wearing jeans, leggings, shorts, sleeveless clothing or slippers.”
It said the dress code signage in all respective areas should be removed and replaced by "Welcome" signs, adding that these signs should be creative and seek to welcome the public to high-quality service.
The policy retains the rules against indecent exposure, smoking, alcohol and obscene behaviour and language at THA offices.
Additionally, staff members are required to dress professionally, “even if such attire is relaxed, all must adhere to appropriate clothing standards for professionals within a tropical climate.”
It noted that the new policy does not apply to schools and specific areas that adhere to Occupational Safety and Health Agency (OSHA) protocols or require mandatory PPE (personal protective equipment).
"New dress code in effect at THA buildings"