Police launch Run Crime Out initiative in Belmont

Police have launched a new anti-crime initiative geared at improving the safety of residents, people who exercise and shoppers in the Belmont community.
The event follows an incident where someone fired shots at the Belmont Police Station.
Insp Renee Bain-Keller, of the Belmont Police Station, on Friday, said the initiative called "Run Crime Out" is also geared at encouraging police officers to take control of their health. She said there would be an increase in the number of plain-clothed and uniformed police on foot and bike patrols around the Queen's Park Savannah and Lady Chancellor Hill among other areas.
After the launch, officers handed out water to joggers around the savannah.
Port of Spain Mayor Joel Martinez and MP for Port of Spain North/St Ann's West Stuart Young, endorsed the initiative.
Young said he had taken note of an upsurge of crime in part of his constituency.
"Unfortunately, over the past few months, we've had a bit of an increase in criminal activity in Belmont," he said, "and I just want the community of Belmont to know (the MP and councillors) will be working with the TTPS to try and make Belmont a safe community.
"We all have to push back against criminal elements...All the criminal activity that's been happening there is unacceptable and we want the community to feel safe once again."
The initiative will also work as a collaboration between corporate citizens, with sponsors on board, and regular civilians by means of community outreach programmes.
The city mayor linked the initiative to an upsurge of break-ins and robberies in Belmont and surrounding communities.
"A hope for peace and safety is the usual call of our citizens as they actively traverse the capital city, especially during the Christmas season," Martinez said.
Martinez said he has taken note that the initiative is "in direct response to increased reports of citizens' vehicles being broken into and their valuables stolen.
"This is especially prevalent in areas where our citizens frequent to exercise, including the Queen's Park Savannah and the Lady Chancellor Hill.
"I have been assured that this comprehensive approach will improve crime prevention and detection and restore public trust and confidence in the TTPS," he said.
"Police launch Run Crime Out initiative in Belmont"