‘Safe zones’ can save businesses

THE EDITOR: The “safe zones” will be a welcomed effort to keep the most endangered businesses alive. The bars, the restaurants, the beaches and entertainment venues will always pose a danger because of congregating. The delta variant is with us. We need to be fully vaccinated in order to enjoy these types of entertainment.

The beaches will likely only be reopened if a sizeable amount of citizens, young and old, are vaccinated. There can be no turning back. Learning to live with the virus is the only new normal to contemplate. Bad-mouthing the effort is politically and financially counterproductive.

Today, almost two years down this painful road called covid19, our most important words are “if only.” If only we can believe that we can achieve measurable financial gain by copying the First-World ideas regarding safe zones. If only we can stop making snide remarks without concrete evidence of failure. If only more citizens, young and old, could embrace vaccinating our way out of the virus. If only we can accept the reality that vaccines will make infection less harmful if contracted.

Both Trinidad and Tobago need visitors as we continue to weaken financially. Tobago, especially, cannot afford not to understand economic reality. Tobago cannot afford ending up as a destination blindsided because of vaccine hesitancy. There is an important general election carded for 2025. If only some of us realise that it is important to act and speak in a politically beautiful manner.

It is never too repetitive to say that the most difficult image to acquire and keep is a sensible, imaginative political image. If only members of the Opposition United National Congress can realise that they may be shooting themselves in the foot as there are many business people who are UNC supporters and will be relying on the safe zones.

If only I can mind my own business and let the UNC commit political suicide as it may wish so to do. But a political death wish is not supposed to be registered as a dangerous comorbidity.


Diego Martin


"‘Safe zones’ can save businesses"

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