Rebuilding the TT nation

THE EDITOR: As a national living abroad who chooses not to discredit the nation or try in any way to distant himself from TT like so many other expatriates have done, I offer a few solutions to assist in erasing some of the country’s problems.

Most nationals (local and foreign) just don’t know it, but we have one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Key features that are unique to TT are our good balance of culture, races, social interaction and entertainment. Equally appraised are our sufficiency of resources and obtainable access to their residual wealth. We must start reselling TT to its people.

The only poisons within the nation that are toxic to our citizens, and therefore prohibits us from seeking, achieving, and retaining any degree of success in our pursuit of happiness, are crime and demoted and devaluated social behaviour/parenting.

Now (like the old saying), “there is a solution to every problem.” And since we know the problem, all that’s required is vigorously enforcing those solutions. Here are the solutions:

Crime – the poison that has eroded the nation

The laws and training have to be amended to catch and convict criminals instantly for crimes knowingly committed.

For example, instant jail, no trial, no waste of tax dollars for the following crimes – age 18 yrs and up: Possession of unlicensed firearm; armed robbery, assault, murder; incest or sexual abuse of a minor. For other lesser crimes civil trials are warranted.

Education – the cement that would hold the nation’s foundation for reconstruction

Mandatory for all minors to be in school (up to 18 years); employers (especially merchants and the Government) must be prohibited (in most cases) from hiring an employee not completing high school; if a minor is not attending high school (between 14 and 18 years), that minor must be attending a trade school, enhanced with certain specific high school courses (eg English, basic mathematics and computer science).

For adults 18 years and not employed, access to a trade school or some kind of vocational school must be available and supplemented with minimum government financial assistance. Of course, the financial assistance is only applicable to a person who is a student.

For older unemployed and/or maternity parents who are between jobs (ie, awaiting new employment or return to the work force), government retraining programmes supplemented with minimum government financial assistance must be available.

For seniors (eg 55 years) who wish to re-enter the work force, similar training and assistance must also be available.

For retired people and those 60 years and over with lifetime work experience in specified fields, and/or life’s wisdom of work ethics and social behaviour, and who wish to invest such knowledge in the younger generation, minimum remuneration must be available for providing these services.

Social growth – the seeds that will grow and blossom into the fruits of an unparallel proud nation

With the conviction of parents and schools, cultural and community programmes must include a variety of organised sports, organised performing arts, and any other form of mild competitive activities to keep our minors, young adults and older citizens occupied – not always liming on the streets (I am aware that some programmes are already in place).

This must be supported by government financial assistance and business organisations/corporations when/if applicable.

These solutions (education and social growth) may not be complete and absolute, but they are designed, in many developed nations, to significantly help erase poisonous and erosive detriments and simultaneously enrich and maintain the social fabric of their citizens, who are free and confident to follow any dreams in their pursuit of happiness.

Then, and only then, will any Trinidadian/Tobagonian have full “bragging rights” to show off to the world that not only do we have the most popular street festival/Carnival, not only do we have top sports personalities, not only do we have some of the top models in Miss Universe and Miss World, not only do we have “black gold” and natural gas, but we can also build, nurture, love and live in a mixed nation filled with the best people of the world and share in all triumphs.

Where else in the world can you buy Indian food from a Chinese restaurant, or Chinese food from an Indian restaurant, or roti from a Afro-Trini woman.

Let’s all start to rebuild right now.




"Rebuilding the TT nation"

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